I think I would like it…

I think I would like it if someone were to take an eyelash on my cheek with their ring finger and hold it to my lips and let me make the wish.

I think I would like it if someone were to feel the small of my back, their pinky slipping delicately beneath my waistband, as if prying apart pages from manuscripts buried millennia ago.

I think I would like it if someone were to take their hand up my spine, reading each vertebrae like braille spelling out their name.

I think I would like it if someone was delicate with me again.

I think I would like it if someone were to lock their fingers with mine and have it feel inevitable, fated.

I think I would like it if someone were to take my wholeness in their gaze and be blinded by me.

I think I would like it if someone were to kiss at the nape of neck, taking centuries there to tell each electrical impulse where to go.

I think I would like it if someone were to brush their knees against mine under the table and exchange all our histories in secret.

I think I would like it if someone were to tuck my hair behind my ear.

I think I would like it if someone were to blow on me like a cup of hot peppermint tea, then sip loudly for everyone in the room to hear.

I think I would like it if someone were to draw my smile with the very tips of their fingers, feeling the edges & corners of my happiness.

I think I would like it if someone were to pull my hand to stop me from walking into oncoming traffic.

I think I would like it if someone were to take their sweet time with me.

I think I would like it if someone were to write poems for me.

I think I would like it if someone were to pick at the ingrown hairs, pimples on my back, and blackheads on my nose; finding beauty in my rotting flesh.

I think I would like it if someone were to take a long, deep breath from the top of my head and wish they could bottle my scent and wear it to work everyday.

I think I would like it if someone were to help me carry my groceries home.

I think I would like it if someone were to call when the sleep won’t come.

I think I would like it if someone were to make me feel home when there is none.

I think I would like it if someone were to help me get my chores done.

I think I would like it if someone were to have a touch that goes deeper than the bone, a marrow kind of love.

I think I would like it.

I think I really would.

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